English Speech

This is an example of English speech about IIS/DKM (extracuricular)
Intensive Islam Study (IIS)
Assalamu ‘alaikum wr.wb.
            Asholatu wasalamu ala ashrafil anbiyai wal mursalin wa ‘ala alihi wa shahbihi ajmain ama ba’du. First of all praise to be Allah, lord of the world, and peace and blessing be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW and upon all his family ang compinions.
The honorable Kuswara, our English teacher, Dear brothers and sisters.
            It is great pleasure for me to be given the opportunity to deliver a speech on the subject of IIS. Before I explain more about IIS. I want ask you all. Do you know what is IIS? IIS is Intensive Islam Study. It is an exracuricular in our school.
Ladies and gentleman
             Nowaday globalization and westernization cause many effect for our life. Beside the possive effect there’s so many negative effect. The lose morality and lifestyle is appear especially in teenagers circle.  For example individual style, freesex, Of course we need a bastion, we need a behaviour foundation. IIS is one of the solution for avoid the negative effect of  globalization and westernization.
            Why do I say that? The reason is IIS can build Islamic character. We study intensive about Islam every Friday. We always read Quran and hear the lecture from Islam’s teacher. The lecture contain many advices. From that advice we will know about what is right and false and we will not easy follow bad western culture.
            Beside for avoid the western culture, with join IIS we will get many advantage. With join IIS we keep the ukhuwah Islamiyah. IIS has a program that once a moth all members of IIS eat rujak together. I think all people know about rujak. Rujak is a piece of fruits with nut sauce. Of course with this activity we have been strengthen relationship between muslim student.
Finally I’d like to suggest you that join IIS can get lot of benefit especially to avoid the negative effect from westernization and globalization. So you should join IIS and let’s study about Islam.
Ladies and gentleman
That’s all my speech. Thank you for your attention.
Wassalamu alaikum wr.wb.

Intensive Islam Study (IIS)
Assalamu ‘alaikum wr.wb.
            Asholatu wasalamu ala ashrafil anbiyai wal mursalin wa ‘ala alihi wa shahbihi ajmain ama ba’du. First of all praise to be Allah, lord of the world, and peace and blessing be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW and upon all his family ang compinions.
The honorable Kuswara, our English teacher, Dear brothers and sisters.
            It is great pleasure for me to be given the opportunity to deliver a speech on the subject of IIS. Before I explain more about IIS. I want ask you all. Do you know what is IIS? IIS is Intensive Islam Study. It is an exracuricular in our school.
Ladies and gentleman
             Nowaday globalization and westernization cause many effect for our life. Beside the possive effect there’s so many negative effect. The lose morality and lifestyle is appear especially in teenagers circle.  For example individual style, freesex, Of course we need a bastion, we need a behaviour foundation. IIS is one of the solution for avoid the negative effect of  globalization and westernization.
            Why do I say that? The reason is IIS can build Islamic character. We study intensive about Islam every Friday. We always read Quran and hear the lecture from Islam’s teacher. The lecture contain many advices. From that advice we will know about what is right and false and we will not easy follow bad western culture.
            Beside for avoid the western culture, with join IIS we will get many advantage. With join IIS we keep the ukhuwah Islamiyah. IIS has a program that once a moth all members of IIS eat rujak together. I think all people know about rujak. Rujak is a piece of fruits with nut sauce. Of course with this activity we have been strengthen relationship between muslim student.
Finally I’d like to suggest you that join IIS can get lot of benefit especially to avoid the negative effect from westernization and globalization. So you should join IIS and let’s study about Islam.
Ladies and gentleman
That’s all my speech. Thank you for your attention.
Wassalamu alaikum wr.wb.

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